Thursday, April 3, 2014

Moonrise Kingdom

This scene struck me as quite interesting. The structure is used a few times throughout the film and I like the balance between the two locations. Captain Sharp sits opposite of Sam's foster father. They are sitting in the foreground and since there is some distance between the two men that ultimately take care of Sam, it shows that there is some distance between the two. It's a way of showing the audience that, not only are they not in the same place, but that they don't see eye to eye when it comes to Sam. In the midground, we have the operator on the left and Sam's foster mother on the right. Sam's foster mother casually does dishes in the background and the operator casually listens in the conversation. In the background, We have Scout Master Ward on the left and on the right, a closed door. To me, it's a way of saying that his foster parents are turning their backs on Sam and closing the door. They don't want him to come home and they are done with him whereas Scout Master Ward isn't giving up on Sam and will be his way out of the situation.

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